I'm totally converted to Aperture Priority! It's been interesting to take the same picture at different f-stops and see the difference! I focused on the edge of the vase and it blurred out everything else.
That is also my favorite setting. I probably use it TOO much. I likie (that is a typo but decided it is a great new word!) the picture though. You are lucky you still find things in your house to photograph---I am ALL out. BTW--LOVED your comment about my zoolander guy. It cracked me up!!
The challenge is to take 1 good picture everyday for 100 days. With each picture I'll briefly discuss it. Suggestions are not only welcome, they're wanted!
great shot les! love it.
That is also my favorite setting. I probably use it TOO much. I likie (that is a typo but decided it is a great new word!) the picture though. You are lucky you still find things in your house to photograph---I am ALL out. BTW--LOVED your comment about my zoolander guy. It cracked me up!!
I like how you off-centered this photo. Good job.
NICE NICE NICE! Your shots are great! You can really tell you are getting a great feel for your camera.
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